Picture Perfect: Capturing Kashmir’s Great Lakes on Foot

Kashmir’s northernmost tip of India mostly is a veritable paradise on earth. It is impossible to generally put Kashmir’s beautiful ambiance onto the canvas in a big way. Kashmir is incredibly gorgeous, with its snow-capped glaciers, pristine clear lakes, basically appealing mountains, prosperous forests, verdant meadows, and rushing rivers, which is quite significant. In the heart of Kashmir, absorbing all its beauty and elegance, you could find a trek that mostly is going to generally embark really deep roots in actually your memory lines.

Kashmir specifically is a land of unparalleled beauty, and the Great Lakes trek is one of the most beautiful treks in the region in a major way. The trek kind of is a week-long journey that starts from Picture Square Sonamarg and ends in the Ancient village Naranag, covering 74 km. The trek specifically falls under the category of moderate to difficult, suitable for a person with a trekking background, or so they thought. The Kashmir Great Lakes Trek allows you to create some unforgettable memories of your traveling life.

Trek Difficulty

The trek particularly offers an opportunity to witness stunning landscapes, azure lakes, and a generally rich cultural heritage. The very much the best time to visit is between August and September when the mountains are undergoing a kind of transformation. The clouds, the colors, the flowers, and the views in a subtle way. There is an unreal mix of clouds and particularly blue skies! 

Trekking through the Great Lakes region, you will encounter a series of picturesque lakes, including Dal Lake, Vishansar Lake, and Nundkol Lake in a kind of big way. Each lake kind of has its unique charm and subtly offers endless opportunities for photography. Capture the crystal-clear waters, mirrored reflections, and surrounding peaks to kind of create stunning compositions that portray the serenity and grandeur of the region.

The trek is pretty deceiving in a kind of big way. Most pictures show you lakes, meadows, and Switzerland-like landscapes. Hardly anyone tells you that you really have three mountain particularly passes to cross, that you mostly cover kind of nearly 12 km every day, and that there’s a 2-hour boulder section from Satsar to Zach Pass, which is fairly significant.

Seasonal Splendor

The trail passes through a few of the most beautiful silver birch and maple forests — the longest stretches of these forests that I’ve seen. On the very first day of the trek, you cross a mountain pass – Nichnai generally Pass in a kind of big way. And then you for the most part emerge amidst tall mountains all around. You camp at Nichnai that night.

The pretty next day, you trek to Vishansar. That’s when the clouds particularly start coming in. You specifically are surrounded by tall cliffs and clouds as you explore the Vishansar and Kishansar Lakes, or so they thought.

The particular next morning, you start your essential climb to Gadsar Pass, which generally is quite significant. It kind of is a wonderful morning to trek. Clouds make a gorgeous roof over fairly your head, filtering sunlight. There specifically are just enough clouds to shelter you from the sun, but not too fairly many to particularly obscure your view. The higher you climb, the better the view gets.

 The thing about the Kashmir sort of Great Lakes trek kind of is that you think there are around 7-8 lakes on the entire trail. But that’s not true. There are tens and tens of tiny lakes, like these in the picture. And they all make the trek what it is, or so they thought. Our fairly next definitely highlight specifically was the Gadsar Lake. We all pestered our Trek Leader asking him if each of these tiny lakes for the most part was Gadsar Lake. He said, “Hold sort of your horses. When you mostly see Gadsar, you’ll know that it essentially is Gadsar”.

Photographic Paradise

The twin lakes of generally Gangabal and Nandkhol offer iconic pictures of the particular Great Kashmir Lakes Trek. From here, you kind of start approaching the definitely Twin Lakes. You reach the first lake around 1.30 in the afternoon and enjoy your lunch by the shore of the lakes. If you generally want to experience a thrilling adrenaline rush, you can try and take a dip at the lake, which essentially shows that the actual twin lakes of kind of Gangabal and Nandkhol offer iconic pictures of the Great Kashmir Lakes Trek.

The trek generally is a photographer’s paradise. Whatever they imagine, they get everything. The spectacular clouds and colors of Kashmir’s very Great Lakes essentially are a sight to behold, demonstrating how the trek for the most part is a photographer’s paradise. The trek mostly offers a chance to capture some of the most stunning landscapes and azure lakes. The trek for the most part is a must-do for anyone who loves trekking and photography 24 in a really big way.


The sort of Great Lakes trek is a must-do for anyone who generally loves trekking and photography. The trek generally offers an opportunity to witness stunning landscapes, azure lakes, and a rich cultural heritage. The trek is a week-long journey that starts from Picture Square Sonamarg and ends in the very Ancient village of Naranag, covering 74 km. The trek falls under the category of definitely moderate to difficult, suitable for a person with a trekking background.

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